Classes & Programs
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Family Programs

What is a family program at NAMI Ventura County? It’s a program for anyone who loves and supports a person living with a mental health condition. These programs teach family members everything from communication and self-care tools to the specifics of diagnosis and treatment. The most important element of these programs is they are taught by trained volunteers who are family members themselves.

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Take action today to empower your mental health.

Bouncing back from life’s curveballs takes skills. Resilience is built from a foundation of self-awareness, self-care and communication. Recognizing mental health concerns early and knowing how to respond is key to keeping our minds and communities healthy. Every single person can benefit from building skills designed to support mental wellness. 

Community Cares is a NAMI Ventura County-designed pilot program. The 2-hour program is built to introduce evidence and experience-based mental health education with a focus on wellness, recovery and hope. Presenters cover the importance of mental health and wellness, common diagnoses and treatment, self-care and communication skills, and introduce NAMI’s resources and programs. The workshop is presented by trained family members and peers who share their personal experiences navigating mental illness and recovery.

Participants receive a workbook designed to augment the presentation. The workbook encourages mental health awareness as well as providing activities designed to help individuals explore and practice the skills covered in Community Cares.

The goal of Community Cares is to help participants recognize, acknowledge and address mental health concerns as early as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who benefits from Community Cares? Everyone. Healthy minds build strong communities.

What does the program include? This two-hour presentation includes a participant workbook filled with information and exercises designed to empower mental wellness.

Who teaches Community Cares? Both family members and people living in recovery with mental health conditions are trained as facilitators. Each presenter brings personal experience navigating mental illness and recovery to the presentation.

How much does this program cost? Absolutely nothing! NAMI Ventura County programs are always free to participants. Access to mental health education and support is a firmly-held foundation of NAMI.

Registration Note: Space is limited for NAMI Ventura County programs. In order to maintain class sizes, advance registration is required to receive the Zoom link by e-mail. If you cannot attend the class after registering, please contact the office to cancel or reschedule. All programs hosted through Zoom are live and will not be recorded.

Please note this program is currently only being offered to those who live, work, or go to school in Ventura County.

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NAMI Family-to-Family is a peer family education program designed to foster learning, healing and empowerment among individuals supporting loved ones living with serious mental illness.  The program not only provides information and strategies for taking care of the person you love, but you’ll also find out that you’re not alone.

This program is a free, 8-session educational class is a designated evidenced-based program. This means that research shows that the program significantly improves the coping and problem-solving abilities of the people closest to a person with a mental health condition. For information on the research base for the program, visit course was written by experienced family members and mental health professionals, and is taught by family members who are NAMI-trained.

Family-to-Family provides information about anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and other mental health conditions. Other points of focus include communication, problem solving, treatment, and recovery. The course is designed to increase understanding and advocacy skills while helping participants maintain their own well-being. All participants receive a binder with information, resources, and references.

Included in the course:

  • Week One: Learning About Normal Reactions When Mental Illness Strikes a Family
  • Week Two: Understanding Mental Health Conditions and Preparing for Crisis
  • Week Three: Getting a Mental Health Diagnosis and Sharing Our Stories
  • Week Four: Overview of Mental Health Conditions
  • Week Five: Treatment Options
  • Week Six: Communication Skills & Problem Solving
  • Week Seven: Empathy & Recovery
  • Week Eight: Moving Forward, Celebration & Graduation

Registration Note: Space is limited for NAMI Ventura County programs. In order to maintain class sizes, advance registration is required to receive the Zoom link by e-mail. If you cannot attend the class after registering, please contact the office to cancel or reschedule. All programs hosted through Zoom are live and will not be recorded.

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Esta serie de 12 clases, la cual se lleva a cabo una vez por semana, está diseñada para ayudar a los miembros de familia a educar, comprender y apoyar a nuestros seres queridos mientras se mantiene un ambiente de salud personal y de bienestar en el hogar.
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The NAMI Family-to-Family Educational Program

Class in person

Click here to register or to receive more information

This is a program that helps transform the family from despair and isolation, through better knowledge and family support, until the following conditions are overcome:
Severe depression
Bipolar Disorder (Also known as manic depressive)
Schizoaffective Disorder
Anxiety and Panic
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Dual Diagnosis (Substance Abuse and Mental Illness)

This series of 12 classes, which takes place once a week, is designed to help family members educate, understand and support our loved ones while maintaining an environment of personal health and well-being at home. .

NAMI’s Family to Family educational program is free! However, you need to register as soon as possible.

Click here to register or to receive more information

CLASS 1: Introduction to Family Education

CLASS 2: Symptoms of schizophrenia, severe depression, bipolar disorder, mania and schizoaffective disorder, Coping with critical periods of crisis

CLASS 3: Subtype of depression and bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, panic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and simultaneous brain disorders and addictions, Telling our stories

CLASS 4: Fundamentals of brain biology and the causes of mental disorders

CLASS 5: Seminar on Problem Solving

CLASS 6: Review of medications

CLASS 7: Empathy; Let’s understand mental illness

CLASS 8: Seminar on communication skills

CLASS 9: Taking care of yourself

CLASS 10: Rehabilitation; Options for recovery

CLASS 11: Fighting against stigma; Advocacy and advocacy work

CLASS 12: Evaluation, Certification and Celebration


NAMI Ventura County is offering support groups only on Zoom in 2025 (until further notice)

(1st & 3rd Monday in-person groups have been moved to a Zoom format until further notice)

All meetings are 6:30pm-8pm

Care & Share Family Support Groups provide support, education, advocacy and information to family members and friends of those living with severe mental illness. Each person has an opportunity, if they wish, to share their current situation with the group. Since everyone attending has or is going through similar issues, everyone can offer understanding and comfort. Often group members are able to offer helpful ideas, suggestions and resources.

Each group is coordinated by a trained support group facilitator who is also the family member of a person living with serious mental illness.

Family Support Groups meet regularly as shown below. Please call NAMI Ventura County at (805) 641-2426 for more information.

Please note – These NAMI groups are restricted to family members or friends who are supporting a person with a mental illness.


Every 1st & 3rd Monday of each month the Zoom Family Support Group starts at 6:30 pm.

Every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month, the Zoom Family Support Group starts at 6:30 pm.

Registration is required to receive the Zoom link to the group by e-mail.  Registration must be submitted by 3pm on day of group to receive link for that week. Click “Registration Form” to register: Tap or Click for the Registration Form – Only For Zoom

Faithnet Family Support Group [2025 TBD]

Grupo de Apoyo: En persona en 1er y 3rd Martes del Mes 6:30-8pm en Turning Point Foundation, Oxnard Clubhouse (426 W. 5th St., Oxnard)

(For peer support groups, see Connections Support Group.)

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In Our Own Voice is a presentation by individuals that creates awareness about what is involved in recovery from mental illness. A powerful anti-stigma tool to change hearts, minds, and attitudes about mental illness.

What It Is:

  • A presentation by people living with mental illness that creates awareness about what is involved in recovery from mental illness. A powerful anti-stigma tool to change hearts, minds, and attitudes about mental illness.
  • An opportunity for people diagnosed with a mental illness to gain self-confidence and self-esteem while serving as community role models.
  • Living proof that recovery from mental illness is an ongoing reality.


The Presentation:

  • Hear from people who have struggled with disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other severe mental illnesses.
  • Presenters tell their story in five topics: Dark Days, Acceptance, Treatment, Coping Skills, and Successes, Hopes, and Dreams.
  • Gain insight into how people with serious mental illnesses cope with the realities of their disorders while reclaiming productive lives.
  • Ask questions to and get honest answers from the real experts — the consumers are the ones who “have been there.”


The Audience:

A wide variety of audiences benefit from the In Our Own Voice presentation. Many types of organizations host this program for different reasons like:

  • Family and friends who need reassurance about the possibility of recovery for their loved ones.
  • Health care providers who want to strengthen communication with their clients and improve outcomes.
  • Law enforcement officials working to increase awareness of and sensitivity of behaviors linked to mental illness.
  • Faith communities improving responsiveness to people with mental illnesses who may first turn to their spiritual community for guidance.
  • Students wanting to expand their knowledge about living with mental illness.
  • Any community or civic organization who may be interested in learning more about mental illnesses and recovery.


Why Have This Program?

  • Raises awareness in communities about recovery from mental illness.
  • Empowers people living with mental illness by providing a path to recovery.
  • Presents the real face of mental illness. 
  • Combats stigma by opening dialogue.
  • Provides supported, positive volunteer opportunities for people living with mental illness.
  • Introduces NAMI Ventura County as a local resource.

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NAMI Ending the Silence is an engaging presentation that helps audience members learn about the warning signs of mental health conditions and what steps to take if you or a loved one are showing symptoms of a mental health condition.

NAMI Ending the Silence presentations include two leaders: one who shares an informative presentation and a young adult with a mental health condition who shares their journey of recovery. Audience members can ask questions and gain understanding of an often-misunderstood topic. Through dialogue, we can help grow the movement to end stigma.

Presentations are available for:

• NAMI Ending the Silence for Students: 50-minute presentation designed for middle and high school students that includes warning signs, facts and statistics and how to get help for themselves or a friend. Research has shown that NAMI Ending the Silence for Students is effective in changing middle and high school students’ knowledge and attitudes toward mental health conditions and toward seeking help

• NAMI Ending the Silence for School Staff: 90-minute presentation for school staff members that includes information about warning signs, facts and statistics, how to approach students and how to work with families

• NAMI Ending the Silence for Families: 90-minute presentation for adults with middle or high school aged youth that includes warning signs, facts and statistics, how to talk with your child and how to work with school staff

What People Are Saying

“I’m really grateful and glad that you talked to us. I often feel very alone or weird because many kids my age don’t understand. But, now I’m sure they would be more supportive of me.” – Student

“Thank you, Renee, for coming to my school and sharing your story. You have changed my life forever. The things you explained about your depression relate to how I feel. When I got home, I immediately talked to my parents and hopefully I will get some help.” – Student

“It is amazing what just one day, one talk can do. You never really know what’s going on in the brain of any particular student.” –Teacher

“Recently parents from two different families reached out to me after their children had seen NAMI Ending the Silence. Both were thanking me for the work we do along with being grateful to know about us as a resource. They were able to have very meaningful and open conversations with their children/students and happy they are getting this information in the school setting.” – ETS Program Leader

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Join us to hear expert speakers present information.

For more information, call 805-641-2426 

Peer Programs

What are Peer Programs at NAMI Ventura County? These are programs for anyone living with a mental health condition (whether you’ve been diagnosed or not). These programs teach peers everything from communication and self-care tools to the specifics of diagnosis and treatment. The most important element of these programs is they are taught by trained volunteers who are also peers living in recovery.

Tap or Click for the Registration Form 

NAMI Peer-to-Peer is a recovery-focused educational program for adults who wish to establish and maintain wellness in response to mental health challenges. The course provides critical information and strategies related to living with mental illness.

Learn More…

NAMI Peer-to-Peer is a recovery-focused educational program for adults who wish to establish and maintain wellness in response to mental health challenges. The course provides critical information and strategies related to living with mental illness.

There is no cost to attend Peer-to-Peer, but you must register to participate. To register for the upcoming class complete the form below or call the NAMI Ventura County office, 805-641-2426.

What You Should Expect

  • Eight two-hour sessions, free of charge.
  • Designed for individuals (18 and over) living with mental illness.
  • Taught by a trained team of individuals living in recovery from mental illness.
  • Incorporates presentations, discussion and exercises.
Tap or Click for the Registration Form 

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Connection Support Groups start at 6:30pm on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month.  NAMI Connection Support Groups are restricted to adults (18+) living with a mental illness.

NAMI Connection is a recovery support group for adults living with mental illness. This group provides a safe, supportive place offering respect, understanding, encouragement, and hope. NAMI Connection groups offer a casual and relaxed approach to sharing the challenges and successes of coping with mental illness. Every session is facilitated by a trained individual living in recovery with mental illness.

Registration Note: Space is limited for NAMI Ventura County programs. In order to maintain class sizes, advance registration is required to receive the Zoom link by e-mail. If you cannot attend the class after registering, please contact the office to cancel or reschedule. All programs hosted through Zoom are live and will not be recorded.

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Take action today to empower your mental health.

Bouncing back from life’s curveballs takes skills. Resilience is built from a foundation of self-awareness, self-care and communication. Recognizing mental health concerns early and knowing how to respond is key to keeping our minds and communities healthy. Every single person can benefit from building skills designed to support mental wellness. 

Community Cares is a NAMI Ventura County-designed pilot program. The 2-hour program is built to introduce evidence and experience-based mental health education with a focus on wellness, recovery and hope. Presenters cover the importance of mental health and wellness, common diagnoses and treatment, self-care and communication skills, and introduce NAMI’s resources and programs. The workshop is presented by trained family members and peer who share their personal experiences navigating mental illness and recovery.

Participants receive a workbook designed to augment the presentation. The workbook encourages mental health awareness as well as providing activities designed to help individuals explore and practice the skills covered in Community Cares.

The goal of Community Cares is to help participants recognize, acknowledge and address mental health concerns as early as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who benefits from Community Cares? Everyone. Healthy minds build strong communities.

What does the program include? This two-hour presentation includes a participant workbook filled with information and exercises designed to empower mental wellness.

Who teaches Community Cares? Both family members and people living in recovery with mental health conditions are trained as facilitators. Each presenter brings personal experience navigating mental illness and recovery to the presentation.

How much does this program cost? Absolutely nothing! NAMI Ventura County programs are always free to participants. Access to mental health education and support is a firmly-held foundation of NAMI.

Registration Note: Space is limited for NAMI Ventura County programs. In order to maintain class sizes, advance registration is required to receive the Zoom link by e-mail. If you cannot attend the class after registering, please contact the office to cancel or reschedule. All programs hosted through Zoom are live and will not be recorded.

Please note this program is currently only being offered to those who live, work, or go to school in Ventura County.

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Request a Presentation •  More Information • Register Now • Download Flyer

In Our Own Voice is a presentation by individuals that creates awareness about what is involved in recovery from mental illness. A powerful anti-stigma tool to change hearts, minds, and attitudes about mental illness.

What It Is:

  • A presentation by people living with mental illness that creates awareness about what is involved in recovery from mental illness. A powerful anti-stigma tool to change hearts, minds, and attitudes about mental illness.
  • An opportunity for people diagnosed with a mental illness to gain self-confidence and self-esteem while serving as community role models.
  • Living proof that recovery from mental illness is an ongoing reality.


The Presentation:

  • Hear from people who have struggled with disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other severe mental illnesses.
  • Presenters tell their story in five topics: Dark Days, Acceptance, Treatment, Coping Skills, and Successes, Hopes, and Dreams.
  • Gain insight into how people with serious mental illnesses cope with the realities of their disorders while reclaiming productive lives.
  • Ask questions to and get honest answers from the real experts — the consumers are the ones who “have been there.”


The Audience:

A wide variety of audiences benefit from the In Our Own Voice presentation. Many types of organizations host this program for different reasons like:

  • Family and friends who need reassurance about the possibility of recovery for their loved ones.
  • Health care providers who want to strengthen communication with their clients and improve outcomes.
  • Law enforcement officials working to increase awareness of and sensitivity of behaviors linked to mental illness.
  • Faith communities improving responsiveness to people with mental illnesses who may first turn to their spiritual community for guidance.
  • Students wanting to expand their knowledge about living with mental illness.
  • Any community or civic organization who may be interested in learning more about mental illnesses and recovery.


Why Have This Program?

  • Raises awareness in communities about recovery from mental illness.
  • Empowers people living with mental illness by providing a path to recovery.
  • Presents the real face of mental illness. 
  • Combats stigma by opening dialogue.
  • Provides supported, positive volunteer opportunities for people living with mental illness.
  • Introduces NAMI Ventura County as a local resource.

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NAMI Ending the Silence is an engaging presentation that helps audience members learn about the warning signs of mental health conditions and what steps to take if you or a loved one are showing symptoms of a mental health condition.

NAMI Ending the Silence presentations include two leaders: one who shares an informative presentation and a young adult with a mental health condition who shares their journey of recovery. Audience members can ask questions and gain understanding of an often-misunderstood topic. Through dialogue, we can help grow the movement to end stigma.

Presentations are available for:

• NAMI Ending the Silence for Students: 50-minute presentation designed for middle and high school students that includes warning signs, facts and statistics and how to get help for themselves or a friend. Research has shown that NAMI Ending the Silence for Students is effective in changing middle and high school students’ knowledge and attitudes toward mental health conditions and toward seeking help

• NAMI Ending the Silence for School Staff: 90-minute presentation for school staff members that includes information about warning signs, facts and statistics, how to approach students and how to work with families

• NAMI Ending the Silence for Families: 90-minute presentation for adults with middle or high school aged youth that includes warning signs, facts and statistics, how to talk with your child and how to work with school staff

What People Are Saying

“I’m really grateful and glad that you talked to us. I often feel very alone or weird because many kids my age don’t understand. But, now I’m sure they would be more supportive of me.” – Student

“Thank you, Renee, for coming to my school and sharing your story. You have changed my life forever. The things you explained about your depression relate to how I feel. When I got home, I immediately talked to my parents and hopefully I will get some help.” – Student

“It is amazing what just one day, one talk can do. You never really know what’s going on in the brain of any particular student.” –Teacher

“Recently parents from two different families reached out to me after their children had seen NAMI Ending the Silence. Both were thanking me for the work we do along with being grateful to know about us as a resource. They were able to have very meaningful and open conversations with their children/students and happy they are getting this information in the school setting.” – ETS Program Leader

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Join us to hear expert speakers present information.

For more information, call 805-641-2426 

School Programs

What are School Programs at NAMI Ventura County? These are programs for designed for youth in middle, high school, and college settings. These programs are stigma-busting, empowering presentations and advocacy groups.

Request a Presentation  • More Information

NAMI Ending the Silence is an engaging presentation that helps audience members learn about the warning signs of mental health conditions and what steps to take if you or a loved one are showing symptoms of a mental health condition.

NAMI Ending the Silence presentations include two leaders: one who shares an informative presentation and a young adult with a mental health condition who shares their journey of recovery. Audience members can ask questions and gain understanding of an often-misunderstood topic. Through dialogue, we can help grow the movement to end stigma.

Presentations are available for:

• NAMI Ending the Silence for Students: 50-minute presentation designed for middle and high school students that includes warning signs, facts and statistics and how to get help for themselves or a friend. Research has shown that NAMI Ending the Silence for Students is effective in changing middle and high school students’ knowledge and attitudes toward mental health conditions and toward seeking help

• NAMI Ending the Silence for School Staff: 90-minute presentation for school staff members that includes information about warning signs, facts and statistics, how to approach students and how to work with families

• NAMI Ending the Silence for Families: 90-minute presentation for adults with middle or high school aged youth that includes warning signs, facts and statistics, how to talk with your child and how to work with school staff

What People Are Saying

“I’m really grateful and glad that you talked to us. I often feel very alone or weird because many kids my age don’t understand. But, now I’m sure they would be more supportive of me.” – Student

“Thank you, Renee, for coming to my school and sharing your story. You have changed my life forever. The things you explained about your depression relate to how I feel. When I got home, I immediately talked to my parents and hopefully I will get some help.” – Student

“It is amazing what just one day, one talk can do. You never really know what’s going on in the brain of any particular student.” –Teacher

“Recently parents from two different families reached out to me after their children had seen NAMI Ending the Silence. Both were thanking me for the work we do along with being grateful to know about us as a resource. They were able to have very meaningful and open conversations with their children/students and happy they are getting this information in the school setting.” – ETS Program Leader

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NAMI on Campus clubs are student-led, student-run mental health organizations on college campuses. NAMI on Campus clubs: 

  • Raise mental health awareness with fairs, walks and candlelit vigils.
  • Educate the campus with presentations, guest speakers and student panels.
  • Advocate for improved mental health services and policies on campus.
  • Support peers with signature NAMI programs and training from NAMI State Organizations and Affiliates.


As a member of a NAMI on Campus club, you will belong to the largest grassroots mental health organization in America. Club leaders have access to the staff, resources, opportunities and support that comes with being part of this national movement, including opportunities through college and beyond.

For more information, call 805-641-2426 

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In Our Own Voice is a presentation by individuals that creates awareness about what is involved in recovery from mental illness. A powerful anti-stigma tool to change hearts, minds, and attitudes about mental illness.

What It Is:

  • A presentation by people living with mental illness that creates awareness about what is involved in recovery from mental illness. A powerful anti-stigma tool to change hearts, minds, and attitudes about mental illness.
  • An opportunity for people diagnosed with a mental illness to gain self-confidence and self-esteem while serving as community role models.
  • Living proof that recovery from mental illness is an ongoing reality.


The Presentation:

  • Hear from people who have struggled with disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other severe mental illnesses.
  • Presenters tell their story in five topics: Dark Days, Acceptance, Treatment, Coping Skills, and Successes, Hopes, and Dreams.
  • Gain insight into how people with serious mental illnesses cope with the realities of their disorders while reclaiming productive lives.
  • Ask questions to and get honest answers from the real experts — the consumers are the ones who “have been there.”


The Audience:

A wide variety of audiences benefit from the In Our Own Voice presentation. Many types of organizations host this program for different reasons like:

  • Family and friends who need reassurance about the possibility of recovery for their loved ones.
  • Health care providers who want to strengthen communication with their clients and improve outcomes.
  • Law enforcement officials working to increase awareness of and sensitivity of behaviors linked to mental illness.
  • Faith communities improving responsiveness to people with mental illnesses who may first turn to their spiritual community for guidance.
  • Students wanting to expand their knowledge about living with mental illness.
  • Any community or civic organization who may be interested in learning more about mental illnesses and recovery.


Why Have This Program?

  • Raises awareness in communities about recovery from mental illness.
  • Empowers people living with mental illness by providing a path to recovery.
  • Presents the real face of mental illness. 
  • Combats stigma by opening dialogue.
  • Provides supported, positive volunteer opportunities for people living with mental illness.
  • Introduces NAMI Ventura County as a local resource.

Register Now •  More Information • Download Flyer

Take action today to empower your mental health.

Bouncing back from life’s curveballs takes skills. Resilience is built from a foundation of self-awareness, self-care and communication. Recognizing mental health concerns early and knowing how to respond is key to keeping our minds and communities healthy. Every single person can benefit from building skills designed to support mental wellness. 

Community Cares is a NAMI Ventura County-designed pilot program. The 2-hour program is built to introduce evidence and experience-based mental health education with a focus on wellness, recovery and hope. Presenters cover the importance of mental health and wellness, common diagnoses and treatment, self-care and communication skills, and introduce NAMI’s resources and programs. The workshop is presented by trained family members and peer who share their personal experiences navigating mental illness and recovery.

Participants receive a workbook designed to augment the presentation. The workbook encourages mental health awareness as well as providing activities designed to help individuals explore and practice the skills covered in Community Cares.

The goal of Community Cares is to help participants recognize, acknowledge and address mental health concerns as early as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who benefits from Community Cares? Everyone. Healthy minds build strong communities.

What does the program include? This two-hour presentation includes a participant workbook filled with information and exercises designed to empower mental wellness.

Who teaches Community Cares? Both family members and people living in recovery with mental health conditions are trained as facilitators. Each presenter brings personal experience navigating mental illness and recovery to the presentation.

How much does this program cost? Absolutely nothing! NAMI Ventura County programs are always free to participants. Access to mental health education and support is a firmly-held foundation of NAMI.

Registration Note: Space is limited for NAMI Ventura County programs. In order to maintain class sizes, advance registration is required to receive the Zoom link by e-mail. If you cannot attend the class after registering, please contact the office to cancel or reschedule. All programs hosted through Zoom are live and will not be recorded.

Please note this program is currently only being offered to those who live, work, or go to school in Ventura County.

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