Family Support Group – 2nd & 4th Tuesdays (Zoom) Note: Day/Date Change for 4th week in December
Family Support Groups provide support, education, advocacy and information to family members and friends of those suffering with severe mental illness. Each person has an opportunity, if they wish, to share their current situation with the group. Since everyone attending has or is going through similar issues, everyone can offer understanding and comfort. Often group members are able to offer helpful ideas, suggestions and resources.
Each group is coordinated by a trained support group facilitator who is also the family member of a person living with serious mental illness.
Family Support Groups are being hosted via Zoom on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month.
Registration is REQUIRED. Registration cut off time is 3:00pm on day of group.
Please click this link to register
Note: If you wish to attend every Tuesday, please add this note on your registration form for our Staff.